Finding One's Hotel / Exercises

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Finding One’s Hotel / Exercises
Exercise - 1
Where’s the hotel, please?
the drugstore Where’s the drugstore please?
the post office  Where’s the post office, please?
the police station  Where’s the police station, please?
the library  Where’s the library, please?
the center of town Where’s the center of town, please?
Exercise - 2 
It’s the next street straight ahead,
first  It’s the first street straight ahead.
second  It’s the second street straight ahead.
third  It’s the third street straight ahead.
fourth  It’s the fourth street straight ahead.
fifth It’s the fifth street straight ahead.
Exercise - 3
It’s straight ahead.
around the corner  It’s around the corner.
two blocks from here  It’s two blocks from here.
past the post office  It’s past the post office.
near the library  It’s near the library.
right after the stoplight It’s right after the stoplight.
Exercise  - 4 
Where’s the hotel? Can you tell me where the hotel is?
Where’s the drugstore? Can you tell me where the drugstore is?
Where’s the post office? Can you tell me where the post office is?
Where’s the police station? Can you tell me where the police station is?
Where’s the library? Can you tell me where the library is?
Where’s the center of town? Can you tell me where the center of town is?
Exercise  - 5
The hotel is in the next block.
on Main Street  The hotel is on Main Street.
near the police station  The hotel is near the police station.
across the Street  The hotel is across the street.
three blocks away  The hotel is three blocks away.
at the intersection  The hotel is at the intersection.
by the post office  The hotel is by the post office.
on Park Avenue The hotel is on Park Avenue.
Exercise  - 6
I want to go to the Beachside Hotel.
the Central Drugstore  I want to go to the Central Drug store.
the Memorial Library  I want to go to the Memorial Library.
Penny’s Department Store  I want to go to Penny’s Department Store.
the Park Avenue Pharmacy  I want to go to the Park Avenue Pharmacy.
the J. F. Kennedy Airport I want to go to the J. F. Kennedy Airport.
Exercise  - 7
The Royal Hotel is two blocks that way.
half a block  The Royal Hotel is half a block that way.
several blocks  The Royal Hotel is several blocks that way.
about ten blocks  The Royal Hotel is about ten blocks that way.
some distance  The Royal Hotel is some distance that way.
a five-minute walk  The Royal Hotel is a five-minute walk that way.
Exercise - 8
The Royal Hotel is two blocks that way.
down the street  The Royal Hotel is two blocks down the street.
up the street  The Royal Hotel is two blocks up the street.
in that direction  The Royal Hotel is two blocks in that direction.
past the intersection  The Royal Hotel is two blocks past the intersection.
the other way  The Royal Hotel is two blocks the other way.
north of here The Royal Hotel is two blocks north of here.
Exercise  - 9
The Royal Hotel is two blocks that way.
several blocks  The Royal Hotel is several blocks that way.
up the street  The Royal Hotel is several blocks up the street.
about ten blocks  The Royal Hotel is about ten blocks up the street.
in that direction  The Royal Hotel is about ten blocks in that direction.
a five-minute walk  The Royal Hotel is a five-minute walk in that direction.
Exercise  - 10
Where’s the Grand Hotel on this map?
the Central Drugstore  Where’s the Central Drugstore on this map?
the Memorial Library  Where’s the Memorial Library on this map?
Main Street  Where’s Main Street on this map?
the Madison Motel  Where’s the Madison Motel on this map?
Greenwood Park  Where’s Greenwood Park on this map?


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.