Asking Directions / Conversation

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Asking Directions / Conversations
Conversation A
S1. Where’s the airlines office?
S2. It’s near the bus terminal—the Central Terminal.
S1. How far is that from here?
S2. About a half a mile, I think.
Conversation B
S1. Where’s the post office?
S2. It’s three blocks that way.
S1. What did you say?
S2. Three blocks up that street.
Conversation C
S1. Where’s the airport?
S2. It’s north of the city.
S1. What’s the best way to get there?
S2. Take Highway 15 to the north.
Conversation D
S1. What street is the local library on?
S2. I don’t know.
S1. How can I find out?
S2. Why don’t you ask a policeman?
Conversation E
S1. Where’s the nearest telephone?
S2. There’s one in that drugstore.
S1. Do you mean that store over there?
S2. Yes. That’s the one.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.