Asking Directions / Exercises

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Asking Directions / Exercises
Exercise - 1 
Where’s the airlines office?
the bus terminal  Where’s the bus terminal?
the train station  Where’s the train station?
the airport  Where’s the airport?
the local library  Where’s the local library?
the nearest hospital  Where’s the nearest hospital?
the next bus stop Where’s the next bus stop?
Exercise  - 2
It’s about a half a mile from here.
a quarter of a mile It’s about a quarter of a mile from here.
three quarters of a mile It’s about three quarters of a mile from here.
2 miles It’s about 2 miles from here.
2 -1/2 miles It’s about 2-1/2 miles from here.
a little over 3 kilometers It’s a little over 3 kilometers from here.
Exercise - 3
What street is the local library on?
the post office  What street is the post office on?
the police station  What street is the police station on?
the bus depot  What street is the bus depot on?
the fire department  What street is the fire department on?
the nearest drugstore  What street is the nearest drugstore on? 
the closest bus stop What street is the closest bus stop on?
Exercise  - 4
How can I find out?
find that address  How can I find that address?
get that address  How can I get that address?
look up his address  How can I look up his address?
locate the library  How can I locate the library?
get to the library How can I get to the library?
Exercise – 5
 How can I find out?
where it is How can I find out where it is? 
where it’s located How can I find out where it’s located?
what street it’s on  How can I find out what street it’s on?
what district it’s in  How can I find out what district it’s in?
what part of the city it’s in  How can I find out what part of the city it’s in?
what area it’s in How can I find out what area it’s in?
Exercise  - 6
Where is it? How can I find out where it is? 
Where’s the post office? How can I find out where the post office is?
Where’s it located? How can I find out where it’s located?
What street is it on? How can I find out what street it’s on?
What street is the library on? How can I find out what street the library is on?
Vhat ‘district is it in? How can I find out what district it’s in?
Exercise  - 7
Why don’t you ask a policeman?
your friend Why don’t you ask your friend? 
that man over there Why don’t you ask that man over there?
the bus driver  Why don’t you ask the bus driver?
someone else  Why don’t you ask someone else?
the owner of that store Why don’t you ask the owner of that store?
the conductor Why don’t you ask the conductor?
Exercise -  8
Where’s the nearest telephone?
drugstore  Where’s the nearest drugstore?
clothing store  Where’s the nearest clothing store?
grocery store  Where’s the nearest grocery store?
flower shop  Where’s the nearest flower shop?
dress shop Where’s the nearest dress shop?
Exercise  - 9
There’s one in that drugstore.
near the drugstore  There’s one near the drugstore.
in the hotel lobby  There’s one in the hotel lobby.
on the second floor  There’s one on the second floor.
down the hallway  There’s one down the hallway.
on the table over there There’s one on the table over there.
Exercise  - 10
Do you mean that store over there?
across the street Do you mean that store across the street?
next to the train station Do you mean that store next to the train station?
on the corner Do you mean that store on the corner?
opposite the airlines office  Do you mean that store opposite the airlines office?
a block down the street Do you mean that store a block down the street?


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.