Getting In formation / Conversations

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Getting Information / Conversations
Conversation A
S1. What’s the matter?
S2. I need some information.
S1. Go to that desk over there.
S2. Thank you very much.
Conversation B
S1. Can you help me, please?
S2. I’ll try to.
S1. What’s the best way to get to this address?
S2. I’m sorry, but I really don’t know.
Conversation C
S1. How can I get to that address?
S2. You can go by taxi.
S1. Isn’t there any other way?
S2. Yes, by bus, but it’s complicated.
Conversation D
S1. How do I get to the nearest subway station?
S2. It’s two blocks up that street.
S1. Do you mean the street running that way?
S2. Yes. That’s the one.
Conversation E
S1. Is this the right way to Grand Central Station?
S2. No. You’re going the wrong way.
S1. Which way should I be going then?
S2. It’s in that direction—about six blocks.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.