Getting Information / Exercises

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Getting Information  Exercises
Exercise -1 
I need some information.
a little  I need a little information.
assistance  I need a little assistance.
I’d appreciate  I’d appreciate a little assistance.
with this work I’d appreciate a little assistance with this work.
some more I’d appreciate some more assistance with this work.
Exercise -2 
Go to that desk over there.
across the room  Go to that desk across the room.
the counter  Go to the counter across the room.
Walk Walk to the counter across the room.
opposite that door  Walk to the counter opposite that door.
the office Walk to the office opposite that door.
Exercise- 3
What’s the best way to get to this address?
fastest  What’s the fastest way to get to this address?
easiest  What’s the easiest way to get to this address?
quickest  What’s the quickest way to get to this address?
shortest  What’s the shortest way to get to this address?
least difficult What’s the least difficult way to get to this address?
Exercise -4
What’s the best way to get to this address?
the center of town What’s the best way to get to the center of town ?
the local shopping center  What’s the best way to get to the local shopping center?
the Central Hotel What’s the best way to get to the Central Hotel?
Eastern College What’s the best way to get to Eastern College?
Exercise – 5
What’s the best way to get to this address?
fastest  What’s the fastest way to get to this address?
to the center of town  What’s the fastest way to get to the center of town?
drive  What’s the fastest way to drive to the center of town?
easiest  What’s the easiest way to drive to the center of town?
to the Central Hotel  What’s the easiest way to drive to the Central Hotel?
Exercise - 6 
You can go by taxi.
ought to  You ought to go by taxi.
by bus  You ought to go by bus.
there  You ought to go there by bus.
should  You should go there by bus.
on the train You should go there on the train.
Exercise - 7
How do I get to the subway station?
the bus depot How do I get to the bus depot?
reach How do I reach the bus depot?
Highway 16 How do I reach Highway 16?
find How do I find Highway 16?
the baggage room How do I find the baggage room?
Exercise - 8 
It’s two blocks up that street.
a few It’s a few blocks up that street.
down It’s a few blocks down that street.
a short distance It’s a short distance down that street.
along the highway It’s a short distance along the highway.
several miles It’s several miles along the highway.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.