Finding One's Way / Conversations

Learn Conversations
Finding One’s Way / Conversations
Conversation A
S1. Pardon me. Where’s the Central Theater?
S2. It’s in the next block—straight ahead.
S1. Thank you very much.
S2. That’s all right.
Conversation B
S1. Where’s the National Department Store?
S2. It’s downtown—on Brown Street.
S1. Do you know the exact address?
S2. Yes. It’s 521 Brown Street.
Conversation C
S1. Can you tell me where the library is located?
S2. Yes. Do you see that church down the street?
S1. Yes. It’s quite easy to see with such a tall spire.
S2. Just turn left there and walk three blocks.
Conversation D
S1. Are the instructions too complicated for you?
S2. Well, would you mind repeating them?
S1. I’d be glad to.
S2. I’d like to write them down this time.
Conversation E
S1. Can you tell me where the station is?
S2. Turn right and go four blocks.
S1. Would you mind repeating that?
S2. I’d be glad to.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.