Asking about Buses / Conversations

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Asking about Buses / Conversations
Conversation A
S1. Where do I get the downtown bus?
S2. Walk straight ahead one block.
S1. Thanks very much.
S2. Don’t mention it.
Conversation B
S1. Where does the bus stop?
S2. At the next corner.
S1. Does it go downtown?
S2. Only the number 5 bus goes downtown.
Conversation C
S1. Are there many bus stops along this street?
S2. Yes, there are. There are quite a few.
S1. Are they located at the corners?
S2. Most of them are, but a few aren’t.
Conversation D
S1. How do I get to the station?
S2. Take the bus at the next corner.
S1. Do you know which bus I take?
S2. Watch for number 32.
Conversation E
S1. How much is the fare on this bus?
S2. It’s fifteen cents.
S1. Do I give the money to you?
S2. No. Just drop it in this machine.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.