Going by Taxi / Conversations

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Going by Taxi  / Conversations
Conversation A
S1. Where are you going now?
S2. To the hotel.
S1. Are you going by bus or by taxi?
S2. Probably by taxi if I c an get one.
Conversation B
S1. I need a taxi.
S2. The taxis are by the entrance.
S1. Thank you very much.
S2. You’re welcome.
Conversation C
S1. Is this taxi taken?
S2. No. Where are you going?
S1. I’m going to the University Student Center.
S2. O.K. I know right where it is.
Conversation D
S1. How much is the fare?
S2. Two dollars and fifty cents.
S1. Here. Keep the change.
S2. Thank you very much.
Conversation E
S1. It’s raining very hard right now.
S2. Why don’t we get a taxi?
S1. That’s a good idea.
S2. Now, I only hope we can find one.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.