Going by the Clock / Conversations

learn conversation

Going by the Clock / Conversations
Conversation A
S1. When is your first class?
S2. At ten after nine.
S1. When do you get back here, then?
S2. About ten to twelve.
Conversation B
S1.  Alice will be back in ten or fifteen minutes.
S2. How long has she been out of the office?
S1. She’s been out since ten o’clock.
S2. Then she’s been out for an hour or more.
Conversation C
S1. I got to the cafeteria around noon.
S2. I was there, but I didn’t see you.
S1. I think I left a few minutes after twelve.
S2. I must have just missed you, then.
Conversation D
S1. Our friends will meet us here.
S2. Will they come here right after lunch?
S1. No. They won’t be here until three o’clock.
S2. Then I’ll come a little before three.
Conversation E
S1. Let’s call Mary.
S2. Let’s not call her right now.
S1. Maybe this is a bad time to call.
S2. Let’s wait until seven or seven thirty.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.