Time and the Calendar / Exercises

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Time and the Calendar / Exercises
Exercise -1 
How many days are there in a year? There are three hundred and sixty-five.
How many weeks are there in a year?  There are fifty-two. 
How many months are there in a year? There are twelve.
How many seasons are there in a year ? There are four.
How many months are there in a season? There are three.
How many days are there in a week?  There are seven.
How many days are there in June?  There are thirty.
How many days are there in October? There are thirty-one.
How many years are there in a decade? There are ten.
How many years are there in a century?  There are one hundred.
Exercise -2 
Today is the first day of spring.
Yesterday Yesterday was the first day of spring. 
Tomorrow Tomorrow will be the first day of spring.
Last Friday Last Friday was the first day of spring. 
Next Thursday Next Thursday will be the first day of spring.
This coming Monday This coming Monday will be the first day of spring.
Exercise -3 
Today is the first day of spring.
summer  Today is the first day of summer.
winter Today is the first day of winter.
September  Today is the first day of September.
the new year  Today is the first day of the new year.
our summer vacation Today is the first day of our summer vacation.
Exercise - 4
When is winter over? It’s over about March twenty-first.
Are you glad then? I’m always glad when winter is over.
When is spring over? It’s over about June twenty-first.
Are you sorry then? I’m always sorry when spring is over.
When is summer over? It’s over about September twenty-first.
Are you glad then? I’m always glad when summer is over.
When is fall over? It’s over about December twenty-first.
Are you sorry then? I’m always sorry when fall is over.
Exercise - 5
The weather is perfect today, isn’t it?
terrible  The weather is terrible today, isn’t it?
wonderful The weather is wonderful today, isn’t it?
awful  The weather is awful today, isn’t it?
unusual  The weather is unusual today, isn’t it?
unusually nice The weather is unusually nice today, isn’t it?
Exercise -6 
Today is very warm, isn’t it? Today isn’t very warm, is it?
Today is very cold, isn’t it? Today isn’t very cold, is it?
Today is very hot, isn’t it? Today isn’t very hot, is it?
Today is very cool, isn’t it? Today isn’t very cool, is it?
Today is very humid, isn’t it? Today isn’t very humid, is it?
Today is very clear, isn’t it? Today isn’t very clear, is it?
Exercise -7
Most people like this season best of all, don’t they?
A lot of people A lot of people like this season best of all, don’t they?
Some people Some people like this season best of all, don’t they?
A few people A few people like this season best of all, don’t they?
Few people Few people like this season best of all, do they?
Not many people Not many people like this season best of all, do they?


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.