Living in a House / Conversations

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Living in a House / Conversations

Conversation A
S1. How much did you pay for your house?
S2. It cost eighteen thousand dollars, and we’ve spent another two
 thousand on repairs.
S1. Did you have trouble getting a mortgage?
S2. No. We paid four thousand dollars, and the bank lent us the rest.
Conversation B
S1. Do you prefer a one-story or a two-story house?
S2. One-story, I think.
S1. I do too, because there are no stairs to climb.
S2. But one-story houses take more land.
Conversation C
S1. Your house is very large.
S2. Yes. We have enough room for guests now.
S1. Our house is too small.
S2. You don’t have enough room, do you?
Conversation D
S1. Where’s the bathroom?
S2. The bathroom is opposite that big bedroom.
S1. Is this the kitchen?
S2. Yes. It’s a big kitchen, isn’t it?
Conversation E
S1. I enjoy having a house in the suburbs.
S2. It’s wonderful to have trees and a big yard.
S1. The children can play outside most of the time.
S2. And it’s so much cleaner here than in the city.

Living in an Apartment / Conversations

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Living in an Apartment / Conversations
Conversation A
S1. What floor is your apartment on?
S2. It’s on the third floor.
S1. Is the building a walk-up?
S2. No. It has a small elevator.
Conversation B
S1. How large is your apartment?
S2. It has four and a half rooms.
S1. Then you have two bedrooms.
S2. Right. A living room, a kitchen, two bedrooms, and a bath.
Conversation C
S1. Is this your apartment?
S2. Yes, it is.
S1. How many bedrooms do you have?
S2. Two big ones and one small one.
Conversation D
S1. What’s a cooperative apartment?
S2. In a cooperative, you actually buy the apartment.
S1. Just as you would buy a house?
S2. Yes. Then you only pay maintenance costs each month.
Conversation E
S1. Do you like your new apartment?
S2. Yes. I like the service in the building, too.
S1. Are there doormen and guards?
S2. Yes, and the building is close to the shopping areas.

Time and the Calendar / Exercises

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Time and the Calendar / Exercises
Exercise -1 
How many days are there in a year? There are three hundred and sixty-five.
How many weeks are there in a year?  There are fifty-two. 
How many months are there in a year? There are twelve.
How many seasons are there in a year ? There are four.
How many months are there in a season? There are three.
How many days are there in a week?  There are seven.
How many days are there in June?  There are thirty.
How many days are there in October? There are thirty-one.
How many years are there in a decade? There are ten.
How many years are there in a century?  There are one hundred.
Exercise -2 
Today is the first day of spring.
Yesterday Yesterday was the first day of spring. 
Tomorrow Tomorrow will be the first day of spring.
Last Friday Last Friday was the first day of spring. 
Next Thursday Next Thursday will be the first day of spring.
This coming Monday This coming Monday will be the first day of spring.
Exercise -3 
Today is the first day of spring.
summer  Today is the first day of summer.
winter Today is the first day of winter.
September  Today is the first day of September.
the new year  Today is the first day of the new year.
our summer vacation Today is the first day of our summer vacation.
Exercise - 4
When is winter over? It’s over about March twenty-first.
Are you glad then? I’m always glad when winter is over.
When is spring over? It’s over about June twenty-first.
Are you sorry then? I’m always sorry when spring is over.
When is summer over? It’s over about September twenty-first.
Are you glad then? I’m always glad when summer is over.
When is fall over? It’s over about December twenty-first.
Are you sorry then? I’m always sorry when fall is over.
Exercise - 5
The weather is perfect today, isn’t it?
terrible  The weather is terrible today, isn’t it?
wonderful The weather is wonderful today, isn’t it?
awful  The weather is awful today, isn’t it?
unusual  The weather is unusual today, isn’t it?
unusually nice The weather is unusually nice today, isn’t it?
Exercise -6 
Today is very warm, isn’t it? Today isn’t very warm, is it?
Today is very cold, isn’t it? Today isn’t very cold, is it?
Today is very hot, isn’t it? Today isn’t very hot, is it?
Today is very cool, isn’t it? Today isn’t very cool, is it?
Today is very humid, isn’t it? Today isn’t very humid, is it?
Today is very clear, isn’t it? Today isn’t very clear, is it?
Exercise -7
Most people like this season best of all, don’t they?
A lot of people A lot of people like this season best of all, don’t they?
Some people Some people like this season best of all, don’t they?
A few people A few people like this season best of all, don’t they?
Few people Few people like this season best of all, do they?
Not many people Not many people like this season best of all, do they?

Time and the Calendar / Conversations

learn conversation
Time and the Calendar / Conversations
Conversation A
S1. When does February have twenty-nine days?
S2. In leap year.
S1. How often is there a leap year?
S2. Every fourth year.
Conversation B
S1. How many days are there in leap year?
S2. There are three hundred and sixty-six.
S1. How many weeks are there in a year?
S2. There are fifty-two weeks in a year.
Conversation C
S1. What are the seasons in this country?
S2. Winter, spring, summer, and fall.
S1. How many months are there in a season?
S2. There are three months in each season.
Conversation D
S1. Today is the first day of spring. 
S2. I didn’t realize it.
S1. Aren’t you glad it’s here?
S2. I’m always glad when winter is over.
Conversation E
S1. The weather is perfect today, isn’t it?
S2. Yes. I like this season of the year very much.
S1. Most people like this season best of all, don’t they?
S2. Well, I’m sure a lot of people do.

Arriving Early or Late / Conversations

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Arriving Early or Late / Conversations
Conversation A
S1. I’m afraid we’re going to be late.
S2. How much time is there left?
S1. We’ve got about thirty or forty minutes.
S2. That should be plenty of time.
Conversation B
S1. Whom are you waiting for?
S2. We’re waiting for our friend.
S1. What are you looking so angry for?
S2. Because she’s twenty minutes late already.
Conversation C
S1. Aren’t we going to be late for the meeting?
S2. No. I think we’ll be on time.
S1. Well, I want to be there in time to get a good seat.
S2. The meeting doesn’t start for another twenty minutes.
Conversation D
S1. Isn’t Harry here yet?
S2. Here he comes now.
S1. Eight forty-five. Late as usual.
S2. Well, we can still get to school on time.
Conversation E
S1. Are we late or not?
S2. No. In fact we’re early according to my watch.
S1. Hadn’t we better go inside?
S2. All right, but we’re really about a half an hour early.

Going by the Clock / Conversations

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Going by the Clock / Conversations
Conversation A
S1. When is your first class?
S2. At ten after nine.
S1. When do you get back here, then?
S2. About ten to twelve.
Conversation B
S1.  Alice will be back in ten or fifteen minutes.
S2. How long has she been out of the office?
S1. She’s been out since ten o’clock.
S2. Then she’s been out for an hour or more.
Conversation C
S1. I got to the cafeteria around noon.
S2. I was there, but I didn’t see you.
S1. I think I left a few minutes after twelve.
S2. I must have just missed you, then.
Conversation D
S1. Our friends will meet us here.
S2. Will they come here right after lunch?
S1. No. They won’t be here until three o’clock.
S2. Then I’ll come a little before three.
Conversation E
S1. Let’s call Mary.
S2. Let’s not call her right now.
S1. Maybe this is a bad time to call.
S2. Let’s wait until seven or seven thirty.

Asking the Time (2) / Exercises

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Asking the Time (2) / Exercises
Exercise -1
I don’t have my watch on right now.
coat  I don’t have my coat on right now.
hat  I don’t have my hat on right now.
shoes  I don’t have my shoes on right now.
sweater  I don’t have my sweater on right now.
wristwatch I don’t have my wristwatch on right now.
Exercise- 2 
Is there a clock around here?
in this room  Is there a clock in this room?
in the other room  Is there a clock in the other room?
in this building  Is there a clock in this building?
on the table  Is there a clock on the table?
on the wall  Is there a clock on the wall? 
near this room Is there a clock near this room?
Exercise 3 
Is there a clock around here?
a big clock Is there a big clock around here?
an electric clock Is there an electric clock around here?
a wall clock Is there a wall clock around here?
any clocks Are there any clocks around here?
any wall clocks Are there any wall clocks around here?
Exercise 4 
Is there a clock around here?
in the other room  Is there a clock in the other room? 
electric Is there an electric clock in the other room? 
In this building  Is there an electric clock in this building? 
clocks Are there electric clocks in this building? 
any Are there any electric clocks in this building?
around here Are there any electric clocks around here?
Exercises -5
Do you have the time?
right  Do you have the right time?
have any idea of  Do you have any idea of the right time?
know the right time  Do you know the right time?
correct  Do you know the correct time?
right now  Do you know the correct time right now? 
exact Do you know the exact time right now?
Exercise -6 
I was just going to ask you the same question.
the time I was just going to ask you the time.
tell I was just going to tell you the time.
preparing  I was just preparing to tell you the time.
it’s twelve o’clock I was just preparing to tell you it’s twelve o’clock.
a quarter to one I was just preparing to tell you it’s a quarter to one.
Exercise -7
It was nine o’clock when I got here.
about  It was about nine o’clock when I got here.
three twenty  It was about three twenty when I got here.
arrived  It was about three twenty when I arrived here.
at the office It was about three twenty when I arrived at the office.
sharp It was three twenty sharp when I arrived at the office.
Exercise -8 
At what time is the meeting?
the lecture  At what time is the lecture?
the conference  At what time is the conference?
the party  At what time is the party?
the concert  At what time is the concert?
the football game  At what time is the football game?
the program At what time is the program?
Exercise -9
At what time is the meeting?
At what time of the day At what time of the day is the meeting?
On what day On what day is the meeting? 
On what day of the week On what day of the week is the meeting?
In what month In what month is the meeting? 
In what month of the year In what month of the year is the meeting?
Exercise -10
At what time is the meeting?
the lecture At what time is the lecture? 
At what time of the day At what time of the day is the lecture?
the conference At what time of the day is the conference?
On what day  On what day is the conference? 
the party On what day is the party?
Exercise -11 
The meeting is at eight.  At what time is the meeting? 
At what time is the meeting? It’s at eight.
The lecture is on Tuesday.  On what day is the lecture? 
On what day is the lecture? It’s on Tuesday.
The conference is in June. In what month is the conference?
In what month is the conference? It’s in June.
The party is at seven thirty.  At what time is the party? 
At what time is the party? It’s at seven thirty.
The football game is on Friday. On what day is the football game?
Oh what day is the football game? It’s on Friday.
Exercise -12 
Be there at eight o’clock sharp, then.
at eight thirty  Be there at eight thirty sharp, then.
exactly at noon  Be there exactly at noon, then.
before three o’clock  Be there before three o’clock, then.
around ten fifteen  Be there around ten fifteen, then.
about four thirty or five Be there about four thirty or five, then.
Exercise -13 
This station gives the news. How often does this station give the news?
This station announces the weather. How often does this station announce the weather?
This station gives concerts. How often does this station give concerts?
This station announces traffic conditions. How often does this station announce traffic conditions?
This station gives plays. How often does this station give plays?
Exercise -14 
This station gives the news. When does this station give the news?
This station announces the weather. When does this station announce the weather?
This station gives concerts. When does this station give concerts?
This station announces traffic conditions. When does this station announce traffic conditions?
This station gives plays. When does this station give plays?