Asking about Activities / Conversations

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       Asking about Activities / Conversations

Conversation - A

S1. When did you eat lunch today ?
S2. I ate from twelve to one.
S1. Where did you have your lunch ?
S2. I had it at Pete's Restaurant today .
Conversation - B

S1. Did you have a good time at the party ?
S2. We had a wonderful time .
S1. It was really a lot of fun.
S2. We ought to have another party like that soon .
Conversation - C

S1. Did you work at home last night ?
S2. Yes. I washed the dishes and cleaned the house.
S1. Did you do anything else ?
S2. Yes. I listened to the ratio for a while.
Conversation - D

S1. Did you have a good time last night ?
S2. Yes. I had a wonderful time.
S1. You'll  probably have fun tomorrow too.
S2. I'm sure I 'll have an excellent time.
Conversation - E

S1. Where did you go ?
S2. We went to a beautiful beach.
S1. Did you swim in the ocean ?
S2. Yes, but we swam close to the shore !


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.