Daily Activities / Exercises

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Daily Activities / Exercise-1
What time do you get up ?
have breakfast What time do you have breakfast ?
leave home What time do you leave home ?
leave for work What time do you leave for work ?
return home What time do you return home ?
go to bed What time do you go to bed ?
Daily Activities / Exercise-2
I get up at seven fifteen What time do you get up ?
I have breakfast about eight fifteen What time do you have breakfast ?
I leave home at a quarter to nine What time do you leave home ?
I go to bed about eleven O'clock What time do you go to bed ?
Daily Activities / Exercise-3
What time do you have breakfast ? When do you have breakfast ?
What time do you go to school ? When do you go to school ?
what time do you get to the office ? When do you get to the office ?
what time do you eat lunch ? When do you eat lunch ?
What time do you leave for home ? When do you leave for home ?
Daily Activities / Exercise-4
Do you watch television very often ? Yes, I do.
How often do you watch television ? I watch it twice a week.
Does John watch television very often ? Yes, he does.
How often does John watch television ? He watches it twice a week.
Do the boys watch television very often ? Yes, they do.
How often do the boys watch television ? They watch it twice a week.
Daily Activities / Exercise-5
Did you watch television last night ? Yes, I did. I watched television last night.
Did you listen to the radio last night ? Yes, I did. I listened to the radio last night.
Did you go to a movie last night ? Yes, I did. I went to a movie last night.
Did you go to the library last night ? Yes, I did. I went to the library last night.
Did you attend a concert last night ? Yes, I did. I attended a concert last night.
Did you visit a museum last night ? Yes, I did. I visited a museum last night.
Daily Activities / Exercise-6
He's happy. He's usually happy.
They're at home. They're usually at home.
She's there. She's usually there.
I'm very nervous. I'm usually very nervous.
You're in your office You're usually in your office.
They're quite busy. They're usually quite busy.
We're serious about things. We're usually serious about things.
Daily Activities / Exercise-7
He writes carefully. He usually writes carefully.
They practice at home. They usually practice at home.
She reads popular novels. She usually reads popular novels.
I watch television here. I usually watch television here.
He enjoys seeing movies. He usually enjoys seeing movies.
They leave home early. They usually leave home early.
We get up before eight. We usually get up before eight.
Daily Activities / Exercise-8
He's kind to them. He's always kind to them.
They help her. They always help her.
We're busy on Friday. We're always busy on Friday.
I work extra hours. I always work extra hours.
They're polite to us. They're always polite to us.
He drinks black coffee. He always drinks black coffee.
She's calm about things. She's always calm about things.
Daily Activities / Exercise-9
He always works hard. Does he always work hard ?
They's always late. Are they always late ?
She's always serious. Is she always serious ?
They always speak English. Do they always speak English ?
He always writes carefully. Does he always write carefully ?
She's always patient with hime. Is She always patient with him ?
They always wait for her. Do they always wait for her ?


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.