Daily Activities / Conversation

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Daily Activities / Conversation
Conversation A
S1. What time do you get up ?
S2. I get up about seven fifteen.
S1. What time is breakfast at your house ?
S2. Breakfast is always at a quarter to eight.
Conversation B
S1. What do you usually do in the afternoon ?
S2. We usually study or read.
S1. What do you generally do over the weekend ?
S2. We generally enjoy sports and visit friends.
Conversation C
S1. Do you ever go to museums ?
S2. I go every now and then.
S1. What kinds of things do you like to see ?
S2. I enjoy seeing statues and old paintings.
Conversation D
S1. Do you watch television very often ?
S2. Well, I sometimes watch it in the evening.
S1. Did you watch television last night ?
S2. Yes, I did. I saw several good Programs.
Conversation E
S1. Do you ever listen to the radio ?
S2. Certainly. In fact, I listen practically every night.
S1. What's your favorite Program ?
S2. I like the Eleven O'Clock Theater best of all.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.