Do you Speak English ? / Exercises

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Learn Conversation
Do you speak English ?
your brother         Does your brother speak English ?
your sisters         Do your sisters speak English ?
Mr. Brown            Does Mr. Brown speak English ?
the lawyers          Do the lawyers speak English ?
the girl              Does the girl speak English ?
Do you speak English ?
Greek             Do you speak Greek ?
Spanish           Do you speak Spanish ?
Italian           Do you speak Italian ?
Portuguese        Do you speak Portuguese ?
Do you speak English ?
fluently          Do you speak English fluently ?
rapidly           Do you speak English rapidly ?
very well         Do you speak English very well ?
correctly         Do you speak English correctly ?
Do you speak English ?
Japanese         Do you speak Japanese ?
your brother     Does your brother speak Japanese ?
fluently         Does your brother speak Japanese fluently ?
Greek            Does your brother speak Greek fluently ?
your sisters     Do your sisters speak Greek fluently ?
Can I help youu ?
any of you       Can I help any of you ?
we               Can we help any of you ?
assist           Can we assist any of you ?
with anything    Can we assist any of you with anything ?
you two          Can we assist you two with any anything ?
Please find someone who speaks French.
get              Please get someone who speaks French.
bring            Please bring someone who speaks French.
ask for          Please ask for someone who speaks French.
direct me to     Please direct me to someone who speaks French. 
take me to       Please take me to someone who speaks French.
Please find someone who speaks French.
German          Please find someone who speaks German.
Turkish         Please find someone who speaks Turkish.
Arabic          Please find someone who speaks Arabic.
Chinese         Please find someone who speaks Chinese.
Please find someone who speaks French.
bring          Please bring someone who speaks French.
Arabic         Please bring someone who speaks Arabic.
ask for        Please ask for someone who speaks Arabic.
German         Please ask for someone who speaks German.
take me to     Please take me someone who speaks German.
Do you think English is easy ?
hard         Do you think English is hard ?
difficult     Do you think English is difficult ?
simple        Do you think English is simple ?
Complicated   Do you think English is Complicated ?
I don't speak English ?
The man       The man doesn't speak English.
fluently      The man doesn't speak English fluently.
The boys      The boys don't speak English fluently.
very well    The boys don't speak English fluently.
understant    The boys don't understant English very well.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.