Do you Speak English ? / Conversations

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Do you Speak English ? / Conversations

Conversation A
S1.  Do you speak English ?
S2. Only a little, and not very well.
S1. Do you know many words ?
S2. No, I don't. Only the important words.
Conversation B
S1. Does your brother speak English ?
S2. Well, he speaks a little English.
S1. Do you sisters speak English ?
S2. Yes, they do. They speak it very well.
Conversation C
S1. Can I help you ?
S2. Yes. I speak only French.
S1. I'm sorry, but I don't understant French.
S2. Please find someone who speaks French.
Conversation D
S1. What's the matter ?
S2. I don't speak English.
S1. Do you need some kind of help ?
S2. Yes, but I can't explain it in English.
Conversation E
S1. Do you think English is easy ?
S2. No, I don't.
S1. Why don't you think so ?
S2. Because I don't understant it.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.