What Did you Do ? / Conversations

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    What Did you Do ? / Conversations

Conversation - A
S1. Where did you go after lunch ?
S2. I went to the public library.
S1. Which one did you go to ?
S2. I went to the one at 42nd street.
Conversation - B
S1. What did you do last night ?
S2. I watched television .
S1. Where did you watch it ?
S2. I watched it here in the recreation room.
Conversation - C
S1. Was that television program interesting ?
S2. I thought it was very boring .
S1. What did your friends think of it ?
S2. They were bored too.
Conversation - D
S1. I went to a lecture last night.
S2. What was it about ?
S1. Society and modern art
S2. I wish I 'd gone with you.
Conversation - E
S1. We went to the movies the night before last.
S2. What did you see ?
S1. We saw a film about cowboys and Indians.
S2. Don't you ever get tired of those westerns ?


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.