Talking about Activities / Conversations

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   Talking about Activities  /  Conversations

Conversation - A
S1. Where have you been ?
S2. I've been to the movies.
S1. What did you see ?
S2. I saw an Italian movie about life in Sicily.
Conversation - B
S1. What places have you seen so far ?
S2. I' ve been to almost all the museums.
S1. Have you gone to any parks yet ?
S2. No, I haven't . I haven't had enough time for that.
Conversation - C
S1. Let's meet at your house tonight.
S2. O.K. That sounds fine.
S1. I've forgotten how to get to your house.
S2. Just take the Tenth street bus to Third Avenue.
Conversation - D
S1. Let's watch television for a while.
S2. All right, but let's finish this work first.
S1. Oh, let's not do the work right now.
S2. You're just lazy , in my opinion.
Conversation - E
S1. I can't hear the television set.
S2. Why don't you sit closer ?
S1. I' m right beside it now.
S2. Why don't you turn up the volume ?


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.