Evening Activities / Conversations

Learn Conversation

Evening  Activities / Conversations

Conversation - A
S1. Let's go the movies tonight.
S2. Fine. I don't  have anything else to do.
S1. What would you like to see ?
S2. Why don't we look in the movie section of the newspaper ?
Conversation - B
S1. Where are you going tonight ?
S2. I'm going to the political rally for Senator Smith.
S1. Sounds interesting. Can we go with you ?
S2. Certainly . Meet me here at eight fifteen.
Conversation - C
S1. Would you like to go to the concert with me tonight ?
S2. Yes. Thank you very much.
S1. Would you like to go at about eight o'clock ?
S2. That would be fine.
Conversation - D
S1. What are you going to do tonight ?
S2. I haven't decided yet.
S1. Would you like to go the movies ?
S2. Can I call you and tell you later ?
Conversation - E
S1. Would you like to go the movies tonight ?
S2. I'd rather stay home and watch television.
S1. Are there going to be any good programs tonight ?
S2. Yes. There's going to be a good play on channel 4.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.