Asking Questions at the Train Station / Conversations

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Asking Questions at the Train Station / Conversations
Conversation A
S1.  How do you get home every day?
S2.  I take the commuter train to Westport.
S1.  Isn’t it rather expensive going by train?
S2.  No. I buy a twenty-trip commuter ticket each month.
Conversation B
S1. Can you give me some information?
S2. You’re at the right place.
S1. I want to go to Washington.
S2. The next train leaves at four thirty.
Conversation C
S1. How soon does the train leave?
S2. It leaves in ten minutes.
S1. Do I have time to check my bags?
S2. I don’t think you do.
Conversation D
S1.  At what time does the next train leave for the city?
S2.  There’s one at four and another at four forty-five.
S1.  What’s the fare?
S2.  It’s eight fifty including tax.
Conversation E
S1. How much is the fare to Miami?
S2. A hundred fifty dollars round trip.
S1. What time does the next train leave?
S2.  The next one leaves at six thirty on track 31.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.