Meeting at the Airport / Conversation

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Meeting at the Airport / Conversations
Conversation A
S1. Where will you meet your friends?
S2. I’ll meet them at the airport.
S1. When will they get there?
S2. I don’t know yet.
Conversation B
S1. When are you meeting your friends?
S2. I’m meeting them at eight o’clock tomorrow night.
S1. How are they getting here?
S2. They’re coming by air.
Conversation C
S1. Is this Southwestern Airlines?
S2. Yes. May I help you?
S1. Can you tell me when flight 439 will arrive?
S2. One moment, please. I’ll check.
Conversation D
S1. All the incoming flights are listed on that board.
S2. I see they expect Bill’s flight to be twenty minutes late.
S1. Do they have an arrival gate listed?
S2. No. They’ll probably list it about ten minutes before arrival.
Conversation E
S1. Well! How was your trip?
S2. It was very smooth and fast.
S1. Could you see the mountains from the plane?
S2. Yes. The visibility was excellent all the way.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.