Asking the Time (1) / Exercises

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Asking the Time (1) / Exercises 

Exercise -1 
It’s almost eight thirty.
about  It’s about eight thirty.
just about  It’s just about eight thirty.
around  It’s around eight thirty.
close to  It’s close to eight thirty.
nearly It’s nearly eight thirty.
Exercise -2 
It’s five o’clock. Is it five o’clock?
It’s five fifteen. Is it five fifteen?
It’s a quarter after five. Is it a quarter after five?
It’s twenty after five. Is it twenty after five?
It’s five twenty-five. Is it five twenty-five?
It’s five thirty. Is it five thirty?
It’s twenty to six. Is it twenty to Six?
It’s five forty-five. Is it five forty-five?
It’s a quarter to six. Is it a quarter to six?
It’s ten to six. Is it ten to six?
Exercise – 3
It’s five o’clock, but I’ve got five ten. You’re ten minutes fast then. 
It’s five o’clock, but I’ve got ten to five. You’re ten minutes slow then.
It’s five fifteen, but I’ve got five twelve. You’re three minutes slow then.
It’s five twenty-five, but I’ve got five thirty. You’re five minutes fast then.
It’s five to six, but I’ve got five forty-five. You’re ten minutes fast then.
Exercise -4 
Is your watch right? Are you sure your watch is right?
Is your watch wrong? Are you sure your watch is wrong?
Is your watch slow? Are you sure your watch is slow?
Is your watch fast? Are you sure your watch is fast?
Is your watch correct? Are you sure your watch is correct.?


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.