Asking the Time (1) / Conversations

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Asking the Time (1)  /  Conversations
Conversation A
S1. What time do you have?
S2. It’s ten o’clock sharp.
S1. Thanks a lot.
S2. Don’t mention it.
Conversation B
S1. What’s the time?
S2. It’s almost eight.
S1. Do you have the exact time?
S2. Yes, it’s two minutes to eight.
Conversation C
S1. Excuse me. What time is it?
S2. It’s a quarter of two.
S1. I guess my watch is slow then.
S2. Well, I know mine isn’t fast.
Conversation D
S1. What time is it right now?
S2. It’s five twenty-five.
S1. I’ve got five thirty-five.
S2. You’re ten minutes fast then.
Conversation E
S1. Do you have the correct time?
S2. Yes. It’s two minutes to three.
S1. Are you sure your watch is right?
S2. It may be a few minutes slow.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.