Travel Plans / Conversations

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Travel Plans / Conversations
Conversation A
S1. I have to take a trip by air next week.
S2. Do you like to fly?
S1. I don’t know because I’ve never flown before.
S2. You’ll probably like it very much.
Conversation B
S1. I have to go home next week.
S2. How will you go—by car?
S1. I’ll probably go by air.
S2. You’lI get there very fast then.
Conversation C
S1. Are you going on a trip next Saturday?
S2. Yes. We’re going to Boston.
S1. Are you flying or going by train?
S2. We’re traveling by car.
Conversation D
S1. How will you travel to Los Angeles?
S2. We’ll go by plane.
S1. How long will it take?
S2. It’ll take about five or six hours to get there.
Conversation E
S1. What time will you leave your house?
S2. I’ll leave around seven thirty.
S1. How are you going to go—by train or by bus?
S2. Neither. I’m going to drive.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.